13 July, 2020
got that one trip they’ve been longing to take but
keep putting off. We say: why wait? After spending lockdown
fantasising about the places we’d rather be, we’re taking a cue
from a rather well-known sports brand and adopting the “just do it”
approach. Take those epic trips. Book the big one. Throw caution to
the wind (with respect for any health and safety measures, you know
what we mean). It’s time to go off-grid.
Join us, Editor-in-Chief India Dowley and Content Editor Fleur
Rollet-Manus, as we discuss (read: squabble) over the trips we’re
planning, deep dive into why adventure travel is set to rise and
consider pressing pause on city breaks for a while.
We also catch up with world-record holder and environmental
activist Kiko Matthews to discuss her intrepid adventures,
tackling 50ft waves and how Prince Harry fuelled her love for
We’d love to know where you’re travelling next and how you think
the travel landscape might change post-pandemic. Send your voice
notes to [email protected] or drop us
a DM on Instagram @indiadowley and @fleur_rm.