The 10 Best Indoor Plants for Your Home (and How to Keep them Alive)

There’s no beating about the bush, these plants are big on style and (relatively) low on upkeep – perfect for even the most scatty of plant parents. Brighten up your living space with these blooming marvellous plants.

no beating about the bush, these plants are big on style
and (relatively) low on upkeep – perfect for green-fingered
regulars at London‘s Columbia Road Flower Market, as well
as those late bloomers who have killed several succulents. We’ve
found the bold evergreens, trailing vines and air-purifying leaves
guaranteed to add a little Zen to your work-from-home office.

Brighten up your living space with these blooming marvellous

Chinese money plant

(Pilea peperomioides)

Hit the jackpot with the Chinese money plant. Its idiosyncratic,
circular leaves (hence why it is sometimes called the “pancake
plant”) add a pop of character to any windowsill. Just remember to
turn the pot every few days or else it will start leaning towards
the light.

Snake plant

(Sansevieria trifasciata)

With rigid, sword-like leaves, the so-called “mother-in-law’s
tongue” is a go-to for those sans green fingers – it can go for a
few weeks without water. Just dust the leaves every now and then.
Keep it in the bedroom; snake plants help remove air pollutants and
produce oxygen.

Swiss cheese plant

(Monstera deliciosa)

Fittingly, this plant’s Latin name translates to “delicious
monster” – you’ve likely seen these delectably distinctive, glossy
leaves sprouting all over Instagram. Let it dry out a little
between waterings, but mist every few days. Bright, indirect light
is best.

Devil’s ivy

(Epipremnum aureum)

A hands-off option for newbie plant parents, this evergreen vine
is among the most popular houseplants owing to its good looks (we
love it trailing over a bookshelf) and hardy sensibility – it’ll
manage just fine in low light and thrives even when watered

Peace lily

(Spathiphyllum wallisii)

Thanks to its racing-green leaves and elegant flowers, the peace
lily (not actually part of the lily family) injects tranquillity to
even the shadiest home – though you’ll need a bright spot if you
want more blooms. Native to tropical rainforests, this
air-purifying plant loves humidity

Kentia palm

(Howea forsteriana)

With a small footprint and lofty, arching leaves, this plant
adds a touch of the exotic to shady corners. Queen Victoria was a
fan – she asked for palms to be placed around her coffin. Mist
twice weekly and keep out of direct rays. Water only when the top
5cm of soil feels dry. Like this but lack the space? Try a parlour
palm instead.

Fiddle leave fig

(Ficus lyrata)

With leaves shaped like the lyre harp used by ancient Greeks,
this statement West African evergreen is a popular choice among the
beau monde of the houseplant world. Warning: this plant does
require a touch of TLC. Don’t be broken-hearted if (when) it drops
a few leaves.

This image is on holiday

Corn plant

(Dracena fragrans)

Also known as a dragon tree, this tall, cane-like plant has all
the prettiness of a palm minus with even less of the maintenance.
If yours is really thriving, it might even bloom a trail of scented
flowers. Best kept in filtered sunlight with good humidity – ideal
for bathrooms.

Aloe Vera

(Aloe barbadensis)

Sure, this double-duty plant looks glam and acts fuss-free – its
high moisture content means that it doesn’t need frequent watering.
Yet what we love most about the aloe is its practical uses. Slice
off a leaf and use the inside gel to relieve burns, cold sores and

Maidenhair fern

(Adiantum raddianum)

Boston tends to be the most common fern variety in homes, but
we’re opting for this whimsical iteration. Maidenhair can be a bit
precious; the leaves are likely to brown if you over-handle them.
It’s best suited to the bathroom as it grows around waterfalls in
the wild.

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