Art around every corner
George Town is a delight to walk around, with its mix of wide
avenues and narrow alleys lined with a jumble of buildings from
different historical eras. And it’s not only the charming
shophouses and hand-painted tiles that make it so appealing – it’s
the surprise artwork that pops out at you wherever you go. In 2012,
Lithuanian artist Ernest Zacharevic created six unique street murals
across the capital. These thoughtful pieces made use of existing
structures – peeling window frames, antique shutter doors – and
often depict young children enjoying the simpler things in life:
riding a bike; hopping onto a school bus. Since then, many other
artists have added their marks to George Town’s walls, and while
they’re not all as evocative as Zacharevic’s original series,
nostalgic street art has become one of Penang’s most distinctive
features. Start your art walk on Armenian Street, where you’ll find
arguably Zacharevic’s most famous Penang piece, Little Children on
a Bicycle, as well as newer pieces by other artists, including Love
Me Like Your Fortune Cat, painted by the art collective ASA.